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How to Sleep Better (Science-Backed Tips)

Written by
John Carter

A restful sleep is an integral component to overall health and wellbeing. When you don’t give your body the recovery it needs, the effects can hinder both mental and physical performance. Not only will you feel sluggish and slow, but your mood will be hard to manage, and your focus will falter. 

Many of us wish we could grab more shuteye. Have you ever lain in bed watching the clock with no help from the sheep you've counted 100 times? Many of us toss, turn, and try to figure out how we're going to function tomorrow.

What to do? For those of us who would do anything for an extra hour each night, these three tips will help to soothe the spirit and soul, as well as the system. 

Get the “Zzzs” you require and relish the rewards of real rest.

Destress and Decompress

Well before bedtime, it’s your opportunity to erase the stressors of the day so your mind is clear, and worries won’t weigh you down. “Sleeping on it” isn’t always the best strategy, as it can keep your anxiety levels high and your mind churning. 

Sometime in the early evening, run through your day, your upcoming to-dos, and any other pressing issues bouncing around in your brain. Handle what you can right away, plan for how to deal with what’s left, and allow yourself to forget about it until you have time to tackle the tasks at hand. 

It’s not always easy to go from full speed to a standstill, so help yourself along by lighting some candles, taking a warm bath, sipping herbal tea, or meditating. Even a short walk can work wonders. You’ll find that if you allow yourself to relax for a reboot, you’ll be less stressed before bedtime and when you wake up the next morning. 

Put the Smart Devices to Sleep

Technology is terrific, but there comes a time in the day when enough is enough. Be it your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or even the TV, having something “on” all the time is almost an addiction. The stimulation is keeping you awake at night, not only from the content you’re consuming, but thanks to the blue light emanating from these devices that’s messing with your melatonin, the hormone that makes getting to sleep something you can count on.

No smartphones in bed. TV time is over when you are ready to hit the sack. Check your texts and emails for one last time before slipping into your PJs. And forget about mindlessly scrolling through social media or swiping left and right. You’ll get sucked in, and a good night’s sleep will be nothing but a dream.

Eat Light and Right 

A nutritious diet is important not only for sleep, but for our health in general. A well-balanced meal plan gives us energy to engage in daily activities, but also helps us rest when our bodies need a break.

When it comes to evening eats, think about lighter fare (veggies, proteins, few starches), little to no alcohol, and no caffeine. If you climb in bed with a bloated belly, your digestive process will disturb your slumber. As for alcohol, while it may help you fall asleep, the quality of your sleep will suffer. And we all know how caffeine can keep us kicking, so taper off on the Starbucks mid-day. Lay off the sweets for the same reason; the sugar rush will ruin your rest.

Drink plenty of water to stay well-hydrated, but not a lot before bed so you won’t have to wake up to use the bathroom. 

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